Monday, September 19, 2016

Progress on suneido.js

A project like suneido.js goes through distinct stages.

The first stage is just thinking and researching the platform. (In this case JavaScript, ES6/2015, TypeScript, node.js etc.) I've been doing that in the background for quite a while.

But eventually you have to start writing some actual code, and that's what I've been doing lately. This can be a frustrating stage because it's three steps forward, two steps back (and that’s on a good day). You pick an area to implement, decide on an approach, and write some code. That often goes smoothly. But then you start on the next area and you realize that the approach you picked for the first area won't work for the next. So you come up with an approach that works for both areas and go back and rewrite the existing code. Rinse and repeat.

Progress seems painfully slow during this stage. Important advances are being made, it’s just that it’s in terms of design decisions, not lines of code. (On the positive side, the Suneido language is, in many ways, quite similar to JavaScript, so the impedance mismatch is much lower than with C++ or Java. Meaning I can map many features quite directly from one to the other.)

There's also learning involved since I'm on a new platform, with a new language and tools. I went through the same thing with jSuneido since I'd never worked in Java before I started that project. It's one thing to read books about languages and platforms. It's a whole 'nother story using them to implement a large project. (I have to say, ES6/2015 features have been a big plus on this project, as has TypeScript.)

Eventually the approach firms up and all of a sudden you can make rapid progress in the code. It almost becomes mechanical, simply translating from jSuneido or cSuneido. Of course, issues still arise as you encounter different corners and edge cases. But mostly they are easily addressed.

It reminds me a bit of search strategies like simulated annealing where you start by making large changes all over, and as you get closer to a solution, you “cool down” and the changes are smaller and smaller as you approach a solution. Of course, it doesn’t mean you’ve found the “best” solution. But hopefully the initial larger explorative jumps covered enough of the search space that you’ve found something reasonably close to optimal.

I’m always surprised by just how many dead ends there are. Of course, when you’re programming the possibilities are infinite, so a lot of them have to be wrong. On the other hand, there is supposed to be intelligent design at work here, which you'd think would avoid so many dead ends. But many things are hard to evaluate before you actually try them. (Which brings to mind Wolfram’s idea of computational irreducibility.)

The reward for this plodding is that seemingly all of a sudden, I have a system that can actually handle real problems, not just limited toy examples. There is still lots to do, but suneido.js can now successfully run some of Suneido's standard library tests. It takes a surprising amount of infrastructure to reach this stage. Even “simple” tests tend to use a lot of language features.This seems like a big leap forward, but I know from implementing jSuneido that it’s really just another small step in a long process.

It's a bit hard to follow the project I'm afraid. The TypeScript code is on GitHub, but the actual transpiler is written in Suneido code and lives on our private version control system. And running the system requires jSuneido (which is used to parse Suneido code to an AST) and cSuneido (for the IDE), plus node.js and Typescript and other bits and pieces. I really should try to simplify or at least package it so it's easier for other people to access.

I'm glad to have reached this (positive) point, since I’m heading off travelling again, and probably won’t get too much done on this for a while.

PS. Hearing about some paragliding deaths recently I thought (not for the first time), "what if I get killed paragliding?". And my first thought was, "but who would finish suneido.js?". Ah, the mind of a true geek :-)

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